30. 05. 2024

We are a notable partner of the Zlín Film Festival

The turn of May and June in Zlín belongs to the International Film Festival for Children and Youth

We are a notable partner of the Zlín Film Festival

Zlín Film Festival | 30.5. – 5.6.2024

This year our printing house became an important partner of this beautiful event again. We continued our successful cooperation from last year. Our great thanks go especially to the festival's implementation team for their trust and the opportunity to create printed materials for one of the most important film festivals for children and youth in the world.

We were honoured to produce a number of printed materials for the Zlín Film Festival: an auction catalogue of flaps, invitations, signature and thank-you cards, a notebook, a beautiful set of the 2025 diary and notebook, as well as a unique publication by Zdeněk Rozkopal, a prominent film architect and illustrator who has contributed to many Czech and Slovak films and television series.

Our great thanks go especially to the festival implementation team for their trust and the opportunity to create printed materials for one of the most important film festivals for children and youth in the world.

Special thanks also go this year to our long-time paper supplier SAPPI, who supplied us with paper for most of the aforementioned printed materials.

This year's programme of the Zlín Film Festival is really rich: film screenings, talks, concerts, interviews, workshops, lots of personalities and stars of the cinema screen.

Our printing house takes part in the accompanying programme in the Komenský Park, where we prepared a creative workshop for children and a reading chill out zone. Drop by with the kids or just for a chat and enjoy the true festival atmosphere:

Thursday – Friday: 2 p.m. – 7 p.m.

Saturday - Sunday: 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.

We wish the festival a lot of enthusiastic spectators, visitors, laughter in the streets of Zlín and joy for everyone involved.

Printing House GRASPO CZ

PS: Soon we will also show you what beautiful print projects we have produced for the Zlín Film Festival

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We understand that data preparation might be difficult. Please, see our "Downloads" page for detailed instruction how to prepare data for printing, or contact us and we will help you.

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I want print
Demanding colour publications
Catalogues and brochures
Posters and flayers
Small printed matter