21. 08. 2024

We are looking forward to the Frankfurt Book Fair

Frankfurt Book Fair · 16th - 20th October 2024

We are looking forward to the Frankfurt Book Fair

 „Just about two more months until it's finally time to say: it's Frankfurter Buchmesse!“ 

This is exactly the sentence with which the newsletter that we recently received in our email inboxes began.

And we would like to add: "We will be there. We'd love to see you."

  • This time you will find us in hall 3.1 at stand J148
  • Our trade fair team will be at your disposal:
    Wednesday 16th October 9:00 - 6:30 pm
    Thursday 17th October 9:00 - 6:30 pm 
    Friday 18th October 9:00 - 6:30 pm

Would you like to make an appointment? Please, write to your contact person. If you are not in contact with us yet, please send email to sales@graspo.com or call us +420 577 606 247.

Your Printing House GRASPO CZ

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We understand that data preparation might be difficult. Please, see our "Downloads" page for detailed instruction how to prepare data for printing, or contact us and we will help you.

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Our goal is to fulfill all your wishes. Contact us and together we will figure out how to realize your ideas.

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I want print
Demanding colour publications
Catalogues and brochures
Posters and flayers
Small printed matter